Fantasy: Alexious Hand

“It is not enough to hope that the evil will not venture out. That in the strength of old walls and customs we will be protected. In the acceptance of those lesser paying sacrifices to buy time on a clock that is running out. We will no longer accept calming words.”

Basic Information:
Name- Alexious Hand
Gender- Male
Occupation: Rogue Nobility/ Commander

Alexious comes from a long and powerful line of nobility and had plenty of money and power. Protected from the worse elements of the kingdom and safely secure. On the outside they would seem like any other successful noble family. His father however had lived his life in a attempt to ease taxation and get more resources to the people. As a steward he had worked tirelessly to stop corruption and get better outcomes. His grandfather had attempt to create set laws and establish courts beyond the nobilities opinions. These administrative and hidden roles had done wonders for many but could only do so much.

As he was taught but tutors outside of the noble sphere Alexious was clearly not the bookworm that was normal to his family. He struggled to stay still and absorb the ideas of counting coins or the theoretical ideas of court cases. His father grew concerned and could only take comfort in the fact that in ideas of the spirit and history he seemed to have no trouble focusing. At the recommendation of his tutors he was also trained to fight in the old ways of knights. This fateful choice led to him sinking numerous hours into becoming a swordsman of old fashioned skill and motivating his friends and other nobles in the local area in adopting those skills.

As he reached adulthood a purpose became clear to him after witnessing the horrors that lay out there on a trip to a old ruin. No longer could he just sit and dance away life. He could not resist with books and soft spoken words. Steel and cold resolved had been missing for too long and he set off to take evil head on.

Who knows what happens when nobility remembers that it could bear steel and stand up.
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1 | Oct 20th 2023 00:03