The Doctor (Canon Character)

Name: The Doctor

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (Ranges depending on Regeneration, but generally is literally thousands if not about a million years old)

Race: Timelord/Gallifreyan

Height: (Ranges depending on Regeneration)

Eye Color: Ranges depending on Regeneration)

Likes: Traveling through Time and Space, Meeting new people, Trying new things, Tinkering, Reading, Humans!

Dislikes: Daleks, Cybermen, Genocidal Maniacs, Pears

Backstory: The Doctor's backstory is a long and tedious one--so let's just go over the basics! The Doctor, when he was a young Gallifreyan on the far away planet known as Gallifrey, went to the Gallifreyan Academy to one day become a Timelord. By human standards the Doctor is a genius, but by Gallifrey's standards? He was an idiot. He was talented, but he was subpar. He always dreamed of doing things beyond the box that Timelord Society existed in. He wanted to see the stars, explore different worlds, do different things! But Gallifrey, for all it's beauty and own sights, was fairly bland when it came to...functionality.

Timelords were politicians, at least when the Doctor was growing up. They were responsible for the creation of Time Travel, they were the overseers of Time and Space and the creators of many brilliant inventions--TARDISes, for example. But the Doctor wasn't interested in being a politician that just sat around debating about trivial topics all day. So, he ran away! He stole a TARDIS (Stands for "Time and Relative Dimension in Space") then went off to see the stars!

(Author's Note: I'm a massive Doctor Who fan, so I can literally play any incarnation of the Doctor required for a roleplay. You want to do a romance between Ten and Rose? Sure! Maybe something involving Eleven and Amy Pond? Heck yeah! Or maybe you're a big fan like me and want to do a roleplay with a Classic Doctor? I can do that! My only limit is uh...Jodie Whittaker. Not my cup of tea.)
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