slit your

----°° GENERAL INFO °°----
Full Name: Kei Hayashi (Hayashi Kei)

Nickname, if any: None

Birth date: 20/01

Age: 16-22

Species: Human

Ethnic background: Japanese

Religion: Atheist

Brief description of home: 2 bedroom flat

Do they live with anyone?: (16-18, with her mom) (19-22, none)

Describe the area in which they live: Lower class

Home decor: Minimalistic, bare minimum

Pets?: No

Current occupation: Cafe barista (18-22)

Education: High school (18-22)

Do they drive? What kind of car do they own, if any?: No, she takes the bus

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Sex: F

Pronouns: She/her

Marital status: Single

Height: 66 in (5’5)

Weight: 47.6k (105 lbs)

What is their body type?: Petite, slender

Eye colour?: Brown

Do they use glasses? Contacts? Hearing aid?, etc.?: None

Skin tone (pale, ivory, ruddy, tan, olive, brown, black, etc.): Pale

Any prominent features, freckles/moles/scars/tattoos/ other distinguishing marks?: Light freckles:

General health (good, excellent, poor): Not the greatest but not the worst

Any chronic conditions?: Unknown

Any current health problems?: Anaemia

How do they dress: (16-18, very casual outside of school, usually wears oversized hoodies and black jeans with some sneakers), (19-22, same as above, just not so oversized)

----°° STYLE °°----
Type of Style: Comfortable

Do they dress to be noticed?: No

Any special jewellery?: None

Other accessories: N/A

Grooming: Fairy clean

Hairstyle: Messy

Natural hair texture: Thick

Current hair texture: Thick

Natural hair colour: Black

Current hair colour: Black

Pace: Fast

Accent or dialect, if any: Japanese

Voice tone: Light, airy, nervous

Voice claim: TBD

Describe general vocabulary or speech pattern: Nervous, uses filler words, oftentimes trails off in sentences

Typical posture: Straight

Describe any personal habits: Forgetting to eat

Skills/Talents: Manipulation tactics, lying, writing, sense of direction

Any hobbies: Writing, drawing, stalking ❤

----°° FAMILY OF ORIGIN °°----
Mother's name: Unknown

Mother's current status: Unknown

Father's name: Seiji

Father's current status: Alive

Any step-parents, foster parents or birth parents (if not same as above): N/A

If they are adopted, do they know?: N/A

Any siblings: None

Any psychological issues (e.g. phobias, depression, paranoia, narcissism, etc.)?: OLD (obsessive love disorder), BPD (Borderline personality disorder)

Are they an optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist

Are they cautious, brave, or reckless in his/her approach to life?: Reckless

Personality: ;; quiet and reserved, Kei isn't very talkative. she's considered a loner, and doesn't work well with others. once comfortable, she'll be a little more talkative, and reveals she does rather care a lot more than she lets on. she has no concern for herself, and oftentimes does not think things through. she is impulsive and stubborn, and when she loves someone, she falls way too hard for her own good. She’ll obsess over them and be desperate for their love, even at her own expense.

----°° LIKES/FAVOURITES °°----
Food: Sushi

Drink: Strawberry Taro tea

Colour: Purple

Book: Mostly manga

Film: N/A

Music/Song: TBD

Heart this
3 | Sep 29th 2023 15:24