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lower's taffy reviews (and other food ig)

9/26: olive garden is mid. breadsticks are good, meat sauce is kind of weird, noodles are cooked well. the salad is okay if you dont mind the dressing and the soup is awesome. dessert wouldve been better without the chocolate chips crust
9/27: update, olive garden is best as leftovers

9/23: caramel apple taffy is kinda mid, i liked the caramel a lot but the apple part tasted too artificial

9/15: pumpkin spice frosty is better than any pumpkin spice coffee drink you could ever make
it tastes like liquid pumpkin pie /pos

9/13: i do not know what flavor this taffy is but its awesome
thinking it might be bubble gum
correction: it is cotton candy flavor

9/12: fruity cereal taffy is extremely accurate i feel like i am eating sticky, slightly slimy fruity pebbles

9/4: strawberry cheesecake taffy tastes like strawberry cheesecake

3/14: peanut butter pie: yummy. better in small pieces. 7/10
chocolate pudding pie? pretty good, crust was a bit burnt. 7/10
pecan pie: bit too sweet but super yummy. 7/10
store bought apple pie: homemade is better but like. it was yummy af 9/10
more pecan pie: better this time! 8/10
strawberry rhubarb pie: ❤333 YUMMY 9/10
pumpkin pie: i made it myself so ofc it was good 10/10
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0 | Sep 23rd 2023 15:51