
Improvised Weapon Proficiency: Tara has shown to be capable of using any inanimate objects for improvised weaponry. As shown in the hospital when the lights went off, she uses a telephone to call for help but instead ended up swinging it at Richie then after going to the house party when being confronted by the new Ghostfaces she ambushed Amber with the use of her crutch. During Scream VI, she even manages to use a brick to hit Quinn straight to the mouth which broke her teeth as well as proficiency in wielding a knife to stab Ethan in his mouth briefly killing him before Kirby finished the latter.

Gunmanship: At the end of Scream 5, she had excellent skill in shooting with a firearm. After Sam, Sidney, and Gale shot Richie they turned behind to see that Amber was burned and about to stab them until she gets fatally shot in the head by Tara using a pistol.

Peak Human Resilience: In both the new Screams, Tara displays a high tolerance to pain as she endures so much and can continue to be active. In Scream 5, she first gets sliced in the stomach by Amber at the front door before she ambushes her by sneaking inside the house from behind and stabs her again including through her hand until she kicks her off to slowly crawl towards the front door only to have her leg broken by the latter before the police arrived in time to save and give her medical attention. Later on when Amber goes to the hospital to get after Tara she endures getting onto her wheelchair and move the wheel near the elevator on her own despite her left hand being injured and bleeding. She even survives getting thrown across the floor by Amber long enough to help save her sister, along with Sidney and Gale. In Scream VI, she also gets stabbed in her back and was still capable of functioning to run and fight against the three Ghostface as well as resists falling 1 storied below the theater floor and knife strike to the stomach by Ethan only to briefly kill him.
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2 | Sep 21st 2023 02:25