Avielle O'Malley - Criminal Minds

Name: Avielle O'Malley
Also Known As: Avi - By everyone.
Age: 27
Birthday: May 10th, 1996
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Nationality: Cuban American
Blood Type: Ex. O+
Sex: XX
Gender: Cis. Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Orientation: Bisexual

About Her
Personality: Ambitious
Occupation: FBI Agent
- Weapons
- Hunting Criminals
- Reading
- Art
- Children
- Unsubs
- Birds
- Being Wrong
- Mansplaining
- Getting Shot
Hobbies: Build Dollhouses
Fears: Being Alone forever.
Strength: Her Wit
Weakness: Untrusting
Talents: Takes great Photos

Height: 5'4
Cup Size: 32B
Skin Tone: Fair
Eye Color: Green
Hair Description:
- Color: Raven Black
- Highlights: None
- Length: Past her Chest
- Type: Thick
- Style: Wavey
- Scars: Many
- Piercings: Her ear lobes
- Tattoos: None
- Scent: Cinnamon

Father: Sean O'Malley
Mother: Theresa O'Malley
Siblings: Lucille O'Malley
Relatives: N/A
Best Friends: Penelope Garcia, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Dr. Tara Lewis
Friends: Matt Simmons, Luke Alvez, David Rossi
Love Interest: Dr. Spencer Reid
Enemies: Jackson Kline (Ex-Partner) Unsubs

Extra Information
Quotes: "I'm so much more than a pretty face."
Theme Song: You Don't Own Me, by Leslie Gore
Food: Fruit
Drink: Coffee
Color: Navy Blue
Animal: Raven
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Season: Autumn


Avielle "Avi" O'Malley - 27 - was part of a top team of investigators in the Violent Crimes Unit. In just five years, she was a significant asset in taking down 17 top criminal enterprises in Art Theft, Gangs, VCAC, Jewelry Theft, Human trafficking, and more. However, just as she was promoted to SSA, Internal Affairs arrested her partner for being dirty. She was suspended for a month until the investigation was complete and she was proven innocent. Because the betrayal happened right under her nose, she took a profiling class held by the FBI during that month's suspension to ensure it would never happen again.

When she returned to Violent Crimes, no one looked at her the same, and being there didn't feel right anymore, so she requested a transfer, one that landed in the hands of Emily Prentiss, thanks to Penelope Garcia, who, and I quote stated, "If anyone is going to replace my chocolate thunder, make it her."
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