Claude von Riegan

Name: Claude von Riegan
Age: 18-23
Height: 5’8” (18) 6’ (23)
Weight: 155lbs (18) 175lbs (23)
Race: Human
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Tan
Piercings: Left ear
Occupation: Heir to the House Riegan throne (Leicester Alliance) and leader of the Golden Deer house (18). Crowned Noble and leader fo the Leicester Alliance (23)
Specialties: Master archer and Wyvern Rider

Claude is quite an enigma of a man, even when you first meet him. Always smiling but his eyes dont ever match his smile. Always joking and having fun and very aloof. He enjoys having fun and joking with people. He is a master at using poisons, so he often likes to prank people by putting a special poison he made that just gives people mild tummyaches. He does always seem happy and cheerful. However he is quite damaged. The Leicester Alliance is just a group of 5 nobles that had alot of land and made a decision to ally with one another so they could compete with the Adrestian Empire and the holy kingdom of Faerghus and divided the land of Fodlan into 3 powerful nations. The problems that the Alliance has mostly isnt even with other nations. Its internal. All of the nobles willing to kill just for power and control. House Riegan has proven itself for hundreds of years being the strongest. And Claude is the next in line to lead the alliance. But with that grew a deep seated fear that he doesnt share with anyone. A fear of being killed in his sleep or killed by poison. So to combat this. Claude often poisoned himself with every poison known just to build up immunites to them. So thats no longer a fear. But he has also trained himself to sleep with one eye open and sleeps with a dagger under his pillow in case someone tried to assassinate him in his sleep. At a young age, he had always shown great ability at using a bow and quickly mastered it. He also has talent with swordplay but prefers the bow over sword. Claude can often be seen hanging around somewhere enjoying a day or quite literally hanging around. Often enjoying hanging upside down and surprising people. He also cares about others more than himself. But he also at the same time likes keeping people at arms reach so he doesnt bother them with his own personal issues

At the age of 20 claude had taken the role of being the leader of the Leicester alliance. Often saying the job is so boring, he would rather be on the battlefield. But hes doing it for his people. He had gotten even better with a bow at this point and even got his Legendary, Heroes Relic. A bow known as Failnaught. This bow reacts to his family crest within his blood and enhances the power of his bow and ups his accuracy as well. He rides a Wyvern into battle named Naga (not canon. Just what i named him lol) in this age he still likes having fun but hes now more down to earth and easier going.
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5 | Sep 15th 2023 10:11