Ileydiah Sage Owens

b a s i c s
full name : ilaydiah (ill-aye-de-ah) sage owens
nicknames : diah, diahni
current age : 24
sex : female
gender : female
sexual orientation : demisexual / panromantic
pronouns : she/her

a p p e a r a n c e
tattoos : she has a large tattoo of a moth and her lower outer arm, stars and dots on her fingers and hands, and then a tramp stamp of thorns surrounding a heart.
birthmarks : a large one on her right side going into her back and then small ones all over her body.
scars : old sh scars on her upper thighs and ankles
other marks : n/a
height / lbs : 5'3 / 189lbs

b a c k s t o r y
past : diahni grew up with her grandparents in Dalvik, Iceland. her mom didn't want her and dad is unknown. she grew up going to private schools alongside her older sister elfie-faye. school was never her thing, but music was. she loved to sing and perform in the schools spring musical. her sister however was the brains; she loved anything school, especially art class. ilaydiah had an amazing relationship with her grandparents, but in her junior year of highschool, her grandfather passed away from cancer. he was so stubborn he wouldn't tell anybody how much pain he was in until it was too late. diah was extremely close with her grandpa, from the moment they met. he taught her anything she'd need to know: cars, self defense, how to shoot a gun, etc. this made her go into a deep mental fight. she grew depressed and lost motivation for her passion. she also lost respect in herself, and began seeing this guy who was a total d*ck, he was physical with her and was great at manipulating her into staying, and think this is just how love felt. later, a couple months after graduation, her grandmother passed as well. diahni and her sister were left a large sum of money and she used it to move to America, Los Angeles specifically in hopes to start new, and seek refuge from her now ex. It took a long time but she's ready to move on and become better.

present : Ilaydiah used more of that money to buy herself a beachfront house. She is currently off and on auditioning for anything she can. it's been rough but with her determination and passion for this, she will continue to climb up the ladder. in the meantime though she writes lyrics and music with her piano. Her ex however, didn't take the news of her leaving without him well at all, she never said where and completely cut him out of her life, he continues to search for her. Diahni does realize how bad of an idea it was to see him now, and realized how crazy he actually is.

personality :
+ supportive/generous
+ passionate/kindhearted
+ family oriented/adventurous

-in her head/overthinker
-secretive/keeps to herself

f a m i l y
parent(s) : Amelia Ashlee Owens (49)
sibling(s) : Elfie-Faye (27)

other relatives related to character :
-Marianne Owens | grandma
-Sage Owens | grandpa
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1 | Sep 14th 2023 04:11