The Younger Twin

"-Um, h-hi! Welcome to the Cafe. What can I serve you today? -"

"-You brought me cake? Really?! Thanks, umm, would you like to eat it together? I mean, my turn is going to be over soon, but just if you want to…-"

"-Because… the thing is… aaagh, I-I really really like you. So, do you want to try? Being a couple I mean…please?-"

◇Name: Rin

◇Nickname: ---

◇Age and Birthday: 22 years | 02 of February

◇Gender and Sexuality: Gay Male

◇Personality: Nice but anxious, empathic but gullible, obedient but possessive.

◇Height: 1,66m

◇Body type: Slim

◇Likes: Sweets, reading, baths.

◇Dislikes: Spicy food, screaming, being alone.

Plot ideas: (WIP)

"-You have to go? Oh, yeah it's really late already… T-then, see you tomorrow.-"

[(Any part of the bio can be changed for the plot)]

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2 | Aug 27th 2023 11:57