The 'Prince' Of Meldorea


Meldorea used to be a thriving kingdom with a powerful royal household... But in recent generations, they had fallen onto harder times and have been needing to bluff their strength to avoid being wiped from the maps by rival monarchies. So rumours of a male heir rose through the crowds, fabled to become the greatest king the country would ever know!

So... imagine the devastation when the queen bore a feeble princess...

They'd have to bluff once again.


full name and any nicknames

'Prince Leonardo Galiware of Meldorea'
Leena Galiware
[ No nicknames yet ]

age and sign

26 and a Reliable Scorpio

gender sex and everything in between

Cis Female
Mostly goes by he/they, secretly wishes to be she/her
Typical Female Biology

race ethnicity nationality

White British

languages spoken

English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German
[ Has a lot of free time for learning languages, likes writing a diary that no one else can read. Japanese and German speakers/readers are rare to find in Meldorea. Keeps Diary hidden in their room. ]


height and weight
175 cm or 5 ft 9 in
63 kg or about 138 lb

hair color and eye color

Natural Dusty Blonde, doesn't dye
Eyes are an Ocean Blue hue [Reference incorrect on this part]

physique and noticeable features

Due to pretending to be a male, is more toned than women of this era. Constantly has to keep breasts wrapped in gauze and uses padding beneath clothing to give a more masculine appearance. Due to always being wrapped in soft gauze, skin around the bust is also rather soft.
Skin on hands and feet are rougher due to training with swords and agility, needing to become a strong leader having her go through some gruelling tasks that would otherwise be 'unbecoming' for a lady. As mentioned, is pretty toned and looks stronger than she appears, though has always pushed for diplomatic approaches when it comes to conflicts, much to her parents dismay.

✦⠀her character and her interests

personality traits

Soft, Gentle, Sweet, Toughened, Secretive, Adventurous, Curious, Creative
[ A lot of this is hidden majority of the time, primarily when in the eyes of those who don't know her secret. Can only act as herself when alone ]

likes and dislikes

Likes : Taking walks in the castle gardens, Learning new things in the library, Writing in her diary, Indulging in sweet snacks, Helping others in need, Dressing as a peasant woman and sneaking into the city

Dislikes : Pretending to be a man, Learning fighting and war tactics, Being talked down to, Attending royal matters, Deceiving people
strengths and weaknesses

Strengths : Combat, Skilled Diplomat, Agile, Listening, Learning

Weaknesses : Low Self-Esteem, Anxious, Easily Manipulated, Naive
interests in life and life goals

Wishes to somehow change the minds of the people and come out as their true gender... but needs to be comfortable with herself before she can do that. So her current goals are to build herself up and prepare for the fateful day when she announces her true gender and apologise for all the deceit and lies forced upon by her parents.
romantic and sexual ideals

Has not had much in the way of sensual fantasies due to the complications of her pretending to be a man. Though the closest she had to such was a few occasions when visiting the city in disguise and conversing regularly with a man who was only in Meldorea for trade. They exchanged some heated kisses but it never got further than such... perhaps if he returned when she came out as queen... but such is a mere daydream.

character summary

Leena has many flaws from being forced to repress herself. It would seem that her inner turmoil has taken over her life and it certainly has considering it has been forced upon her since birth. She holds onto hope and determination to become the best variant of herself! But she still has a long way to go... and if shes manipulated before she has enough confidence, she may lose that dream...

[ Template from @SAVAGERY ]
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