OC Backstory #9: Avian Dawson (School Based OC)

All throughout history, there have always been a man and a woman. And thus, there have always been more men and women as a result. This is no exception, as the governments became as one. A young man of twenty-five with black hair and brown eyes would be roaming through college, all of the women squealing like fan girls cause of him. 'Just once, I'd like a woman who won't go crazy,' he thought before bumping into someone. "Oh, I apologize," he said going to pick up the books only to be slapped across the face which caused everyone to gasp. He looks up while holding his face to see a black haired petite woman with hazel eyes, "you slapped me." She huffs out, "and I'd do it again if you don't pay attention." His heart began racing as he rose to his feet, holding her books out for her. "Uh, yeah. Sorry again, and here's your books. Well see ya," he says giving her the books before walking away blushing. 'She slapped me, despite my looks. She's special, for sure,' he thought as he headed to class.

The next day, he would walk up to her. "Hey, I forgot to introduce myself yesterday. I'm Damian Dawson, nice to meet you." He holds his hand out, but she smacks it away. "I'm Serena Phillips, and no thanks." He smiled before laughing, which shocked her. "Why the hell are you laughing," she asks offended. "Sorry, it's just that you're not like the others here. All the other women fawn over me, and the dudes are usually jealous. You are neither, which shocked me when you slapped me yesterday. And with you still being cold to me, it's refreshing." She was surprised at his response, "I-is that so?! Well, uh. Just don't say something stupid, or lose focus." He nods as he slips his phone number into one of her books without her noticing, and walks away. Later that day, he is approached by Serena and slapped. "How dare you pull a trick like that, Damian!" He looks at her, "well I thought maybe you'd want my number in case you needed a friend or perhaps help in something." She scuffs, "me? Need help? That's a riot." Throughout the semester though, she'd received notes and photos from a stalker.

At the end of the semester, she called him crying. "D-Damian? I, I need help. I'm sorry I said I didn't, but I didn't know I had a stalker." He nods, telling her to stay there until he arrives. In an hour, he arrives and knocks as she comes opening the door and hugging him while still crying. He leads her inside and ask for the notes, which she provided him. He began examining everything, including the way the notes were made. "I see, well if you live here alone then it's risky for you to be here. But if you live with me, your stalker will think twice." She hesitantly agreed, and thus took them a full week to move her into his place. And so, throughout the second semester of the year, they had grown awfully close which made everyone jealous. After the year was done, Serena had confessed to Damian who also confessed. They went at it all through the night, and would do so whenever they had the opportunity. By the time the month ended, Serena had ended up pregnant. So by the time the new year started, the two were dating and she had begun showing signs of pregnancy.

A year later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy but his appearance was different. His hair was white and his eyes were red, and the couple looked at each other worried. "But neither of us have red eyes or white hair," the mother said as the doctors examined the baby further. "Seems he's got some unique genetic code, but he's still healthy. So, what will you name him?" The couple smiled, "Avian Dawson." And thus, they were able to leave the hospital in a week. They raised him for the first five years of his life, teaching him how to cook and sew. His father even taught him to sing and play guitar, but tragedy struck when the couple got murdered in front of Avian's eyes. This triggered something in him, and he mercilessly killed the murderers. He was put in an orphanage and stayed there because of his other family not wanting him, hearing what happened. So by the time he was thirteen, he decided work at the place he's still at and live alone. He kept up with his singing and guitar lessons, but took the opportunity to learn other instruments just by watching.

Five years later, he's gotten the reputation of "Rebel Gentleman." He gave himself the name after reading his parent's journals, and being a troublemaker who was also a gentleman at heart. He was always late to school, always causing trouble. But on weekends, he was a calm and proper gentleman at his job. Now he continued his life, and would continue to hide his true nature from others. But the story takes place while he's in detention after school on a Friday, sleeping at a desk with his boots on it unaware of the events about to unfold. Then two hours pass, and he's given permission to leave. He would begin to head home from the school, when he hears something happening nearby
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3 | Jul 26th 2023 11:05