☆Ⓗⓐⓩⓑⓘⓝ Ⓗⓞⓣⓔⓛ ⓄⒸⓢ☆ (WIP)

Name: Pebbles/Ebbie
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Height: 4f 6in
Age: Changes a lot
Demon Type: Sinner, Axolotl
Deathday: August 15th, 1947
Occupation: Scientist/Chemist
Sin: Murder, Testing on the innocent

Appearance: A very thin but well-built Axolotl demon, on her left side, her skin is pink with black freckles. On the right, she is black with pink freckles. Her eyes are a bright piercing red. She wears a light purple lab coat with golden buttons. On the sides of her face, she has red gills. She has very oft skin, and two corresponding devil horns with jet-black tips. Her tail is splotched with both of her main skin tones. She is very dainty, and some of the skin on her top lips come down to make it look as if she has fangs. She does, in fact, have very pointy white teeth.

Abilities: She is a skilled fighter, but isn't very strong. She more uses tools or potions. Her small stature makes it easy to maneuver. She can also use her gills to hyper-sense smells and sounds. She can create an image from what she can hear in her head, and knows exactly where some things are. Somewhat like echolocation. Being an axolotl, she can also regenerate limbs.


Name: Lorelai
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Height: 5"8
Age: 33
Demon Type: Sinner, Deer/Doe
Deathday: October 17, 1936
Occupation: Tailor
Sin: Murder, Malice, Pride

Appearance: A tall doe demon with brown hair and green eyes. She has a bob undercut with two deer ears, the tips of her hair and the tufts of fur on top of her head being a warm cream color. Spots of the same cream color are around her hair at random points, like fawn markings. She has sharp white teeth and a button nose. On her backside, she has a puff of floof that is the same brown as her hair, with an underside of cream. She wears a light brown turtleneck sweater and a green skirt with a vine pattern. She wears white gloves.

Abilities: Dabbles in Voodoo and blood magic. She is physically strong and has street smarts. (She only goes after disrespectful people)

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