Karma Gushiken/The bartender

Genre: Mostly SOL but the traveling bar Works for any genre.

Name: Karma Tenkūnoken

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 24

Race: Negotiable

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Height: 6' 4"

Weight: Around 190

Skin color: A healthy, peachy tan.

Build: Muscular, but not overly so.

Occupation: Bartender at VVandersong

Types: Love strong, dominant women, and secretly loves and cares for submissive men/women.

Personality: Karma is a very stoic and quiet man. He is the definition of tall, dark and handsome. Yet, he has surprising secret. He's a super virgin, hasn't even had his first kiss yet. He works so diligently that he's never had time to really enter into a relationship. When he's not managing his bar, he's either working out, watching anime, or building gunpla kits, what a surprise. He's very kind hearted, a gentle giant one might say, yet he'll put anyone into the ground, especially when he's working and someone's causing trouble.

HIs bar just so happens to be a peculiar one. Its very old, and build on a vortex of sorts. Usually its at the dimly lit street where its always been. But occasionally, It moves. Sometimes the whole building, or sometimes just the door. When the bar moves, its usually fits neatly into an empty space in a city, with the exterior matching the aesthetic of the world, and sometimes, the door just appears randomly in the world. Sometimes to the future, sometimes to the past, other times to another world entirely. Karma doesn't know when it happens until an unusual guest walks through the door. The first few times it happened scared the life out of him, but he's gotten used to it now. Actually, being a total weeb, ending up in a fantasy world is exciting for him, and he's often impatient for when it'll happen next.
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3 | Jul 21st 2023 13:19