|| Rules ||

*Must leave a like before we will continue*

Minimum of 4-6 sentences per reply.

18+ > I will not speak, message, or tolerate anyone under the age of 18. This goes for any age play. It is out of the question.

Establish a Safe Word with me before starting.

Literacy & Grammar is a must, I understand mistakes are made and that is understandable. Please include punctuation and give a detail description of what you are presenting.

Do Not Auto (Auto hit, Auto walk, etc)
Auto is when a player performs an action without giving the affected players a chance to respond to those around him.

Warning ***I will reply in due time. Please do not rush. If rushed, I will block and remove you.

If I remove, decline or block you please do not create other accounts and try and add me back. It was a no the first time, and will be a no on the second time.

I will give you multiple chances before I result into removing you. Mistakes are made and I understand that and will be patient till I no longer can be.
Heart this
21 | Jul 14th 2023 23:47