Bianca Mabel Ferguson

Full Name: Bianca Mabel Ferguson

Nicknames: Bee

Gender & Pronouns: Woman // she/her

Age: 23-25 (depends on storyline)

Birthday & Zodiac: July 9 // Cancer

Nationality: American or Canadian

Ethnicity: Irish & British

Blood Type: B Negative

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Bianca is best characterized by her long silky ginger hair and splashed of well-placed freckles all over the bridge of her nose and her high cheekbones. Her hair falls just above the small of her back sleek waves. Her face is soft and youthful, save for her eyes, which are more sensual and deep lidded. Her nose is slightly upturned and small. Her lips are playful, and often lend themselves to a natural smirk. Her eyes are a murky green color and are often adorned with deep black mascara. Aside from her face, her shoulders are scattered with a dusting of freckles. She is feline-like with a carefully curved body. Her hips are wide and her thighs thick, which taper off towards her ankles. Her arms are thicker and more muscled. She is what would be considered thick. She is 180 lbs & 5’6”.

Personality: Bianca operates in extremes. She is rather moody & is quick to experience strong emotions. Due to her emotionally charged state, she often reacts on her feelings rather than logic. Despite this, she is rather passionate and is unashamed to give her heart to people. She is very loving, doting, maternal, and affectionate with others. Just the same, she is often hurt by small things and will make it well known. She may not realize this always & can be rather selfish due to this. Since she is the only girl from her generation of the family, she is rather spoiled & it shows at some points.

Personal Style: Dainty, elegant, & hyper-feminine. Bianca favors soft colors, gold jewelry, & often wears dresses/skirts.

Occupation: Florist, nanny, or housekeeper.

Favorites: Bianca enjoys thrifting, painting, archery, hiking, & the beach. She is most at peace when she is laid out in the sun with a book and a Diet Coke.

Habits: Bianca often forgets her purse in public places, she is also really good at ruining her nails by accident, and generally forgetful.

Family: Her family is considered wealthy due to her grandfather’s very successful small franchise of drug stores throughout the southern United States. The wealth was distributed to Bianca’s father, Walter Ferguson and Bianca’s uncle, Edmund Ferguson. Aside from her father & uncle, Bianca’s mother is a gold digger from a small town by the name of Angela Lane-Ferguson. Bianca has three younger brothers: George, Harrison, and Matthew Ferguson. They’re all one year apart from each other. Bianca is 23, George is 22, Harrison is 21, & Matthew is 20. Bianca’s uncle Edmund also has three sons through his previous marriage. Bianca’s cousins are Christopher (27), Anthony (25), & Derek (23).

Other Important Notes: N/A
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