My rules

Roleplaying is a creative and collaborative activity where a group of individuals come together to create stories through improvisation. But in order to make this experience enjoyable, it's important to follow some basic rules and guidelines. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

1. Respect Each Other's Boundaries:
Everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to certain topics. Before starting a roleplaying session, it's important to discuss boundaries and make sure everyone is on the same page. This can include topics such as violence, explicit content, and language.

2 Don't Metagame:
"Metagaming" refers to using outside knowledge to influence the game. Avoid making decisions based on what you already know as a player rather than what your character would know. This helps to maintain the integrity of the story and keeps things fair for all players.

3. Practice Good Communicating:
Communicate clearly with other players and avoid vagueness or misinterpretation. Use appropriate tone and language, and be open to feedback and suggestions. This also refers to plotting, or an ongoing story - if you grow bored or tired of a plot, please let me know and we can come up with something new.

4. Avoid One-Sentence Responses:
When replying to other players, try to be descriptive and provide detailed responses that move the story forward. Avoid using one-sentence responses that don't contribute to the narrative or leave other players with nothing to work with.

5. Use Character References:
Visual references, such as artwork or photos, can be helpful in establishing a clear image of your character and making them more distinct. You can also use references to help establish things like clothing styles or physical appearance.

6. Respect Cultural Differences:
If you're playing a character from a different culture, research and respect their cultural norms and beliefs. This helps to avoid harmful stereotypes or cultural misunderstandings that can be offensive to other players.

7. Use Sensitive Language:
Be thoughtful about the language you use to describe your character. Avoid using pejorative terms or offensive language, even if it's meant to be ironic or humorous.

8. Consider Using a Photo for Your Character:
Some players find it helpful to use a photo or visual reference as a way to embody their character. However, it's not necessary, and some players prefer to use their imagination to visualize their character. If you do choose to use a photo, make sure it's appropriate and respectful.

9. it's important to remember that all players should feel comfortable and safe in the game. If a player wants to play a submissive character, that's their choice, but it's important to establish boundaries and make sure that everyone involved is okay with the level of dominance or submission being portrayed.

Hence, my characters will most likely be more on the "submissive" side of the coin. Does not make them docile characters that will shy away.

10. Discord is preferred but not necessarily needed to play.

Ultimately, roleplaying should be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Don't take things too seriously and try to embrace the imaginative and creative aspects of the game. Enjoy the journey and see where the story takes you!
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8 | Jun 29th 2023 22:23