Demon Slayer OC

Work in progress

Name: Haruhi Sakurai

Nickname(s): Sakura, Haru

Age: 20

Body Type: Slender with some curves

Demon Slayer Corps (She's brand new)

Combat Style:
-Sakura Breathing

Weapon Appearance:
-A wakizashi with the ability to unfold into a fan. The handle is wrapped in a pink cord, and the tsuba is gold.

Sakura Breathing First Form:
-Blooming Flower: Haruhi increases her heart rate and speeds up, making micro-slashes along her opponent’s form and leaving seedlings inside of the slashes. These seedlings then bloom and widen within the slashes.

Sakura Breathing Second Form:
-Breath-Taking Flower Viewing: The blossoms from Blooming Flower secrete pollen that can then irritate the eyes and lungs, lowering visibility and causing intense itchiness once entering the bloodstream. Haruhi uses Shifuku to fan the pollen back to her opponent and away from her comrades, as breathing in the pollen could irritate them to a lesser extent.

Sakura Breathing Third Form:
Affectionate Embrace: Vines tear through the victim of Blooming Flower as the seedlings reach maturity. The trajectory of these vines is random, but Haruhi can attempt to create the ideal path based on where she slashes with Blooming Flower. The objective, of course, is to create a path along the neck in the hope that the vines grow thick enough to behead her opponent.

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