Melody Harrington (Stranger Things)

Name: Melody Harrington
Age: 23
Birthday: May 10th, 1963
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Nationality: American
Blood Type: O+
Sex: XX
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Orientation: Bisexual

About Her
Personality: Private, Flirty, Reclusive
Occupation: Bar Tender at The Hideout
- Dogs
- Music
- Singing
- Books
- Driving
- Loud Cars
- Hard Drugs
- Abusers
- Bad People
- Chick Flicks
Hobbies: Singing
Fears: Her ex.
Strength: Her quick thinking
Weakness: Untrusting
Talents: Music

Height: 5'5
Cup Size: 36 B
Skin Tone: Fair
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Description:
- Color: Black
- Highlights: N/A
- Length: Long
- Type: Thick
- Style: Wavy
- Scars: A few around her body
- Piercings: None
- Tattoos: None
- Scent: Roses

Father: Mr. Harrington
Mother: Mrs. Harrington
Siblings: Steve Harrington (19)
Relatives: Unknown
Best Friends: Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Argyle
Friends: "The Kids"
Love Interest: Eddie Munson or Robin Buckley.
Enemies: Ryder Daniels (Ex-Fiancé)

Extra Information
Quotes: "All I need is my Caravan, Guitar, and Dog."
Theme Song: Brother - Madds Buckley
Food: Pizza
Drink: Coke
Color: Black
Animal: Dogs
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Season: Autumn


When Melody turned 18, she packed her bags and left Hawkins with her then-boyfriend (now ex-fiancé) to California, chasing a dream that crashed and burned quickly. However, she left her little brother in a house with parents who did not care.

Escaping an abusive relationship with nothing but a bag of clothes and her dog, she abandoned her life in LA and moved back to Hawkins into the life she craved to have around.

But things have changed in Hawkins, Indiana, since she's last stepped foot there.

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1 | Jun 20th 2023 19:26