well darlin’ if there’s a hell you’re it


My darling moral opposite. The destruction to my creation. From unwilling inlaws, to best friends, to lovers, there’s not a title that I don’t want to share with you. We may get into our little spats every now and again but it never falters my love for you. It only makes me fall in love with you that much more. I love how passionate you get about things that mean something to you, even if we don’t agree. It’s been a long ride to finally get where we are, but the wait was well worth it. I call you my wife but one day I’m going to make due on my promise and make it official. One day, once everything has calmed down and we can relax, grow our tiny family and fall in love even more. I’m beyond thankful for you. You’re a being of impatience and aggression, yet you can temper down that side of yourself for me when it’s needed. I love you, even if I’m terrible at showing it sometimes and I’m yours eternally.
Heart this
3 | Jun 13th 2023 17:23