Yahid Maat

Name: Yahid Maat
Gender: She/Her
Age: 23
Born on: May 5.
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 80.3 kg
Body type: Muscular, with broad shoulders and defined muscles.
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Short, wavy. Black.
Skin tone: Espresso brown

Main personality traits: Taciturn, aloof, distrustful.
Likes: Puzzles, reading, training, creativity.
Dislikes: Messy places, flowers, people breaking her concentration.

Favorite food: Curry (especially if it's made with new ingredients than traditional)
Favorite drink: A mixture of herbal tea and strawberries.
Least favorite food: Anything spicy
Least favorite drink: Sour juices.
Hobbies: Reading, solving puzzles, learning and creating new techniques.
Sexuality: Lesbian Demisexual

Family: Omari Maat (father)
Heba Maat (mother)
Suria Maat (younger sister)

Weapon: Khopesh (made of bronze with some blue diamonds on the hilt). Always carrying a canteen of water.

Powers: Control over water/ice and eventually darkness.

Power Spikes: Stronger close to seas, rivers and frozen places. Can utilize her full power during the full moon.

Allies: Suria (very shaky relationship)
Enemies: Maat family and the people of Misr.

Career/Occupation: ex-leader of the Misr city and its people. Currently, a wandering warrior looking for revenge.

Background: Yahid is the eldest child of the Maat family. Her younger sister, Suria, was born when Yahid was 7 years old. From that day on, her parents conditioned their eldest to be the one responsible and a leader of the Misr people. She studied all the teachings, learned all of their ways and lived according to their wills and needs.

However, everything changed when her sister Suria was known to possess the gift of Light. There is an ancient prophecy in the tribes that say when a child is born in the moonlight and the other during dawn, the one born withing the sun is destined to be the true ruler among them all.
After that, Yahid was removed from her position despite all the hard work, service and effort she put in years. Her sister Suria tried to argue against it, since she also did not want to be a ruler but still is fulfilling what is asked of her.

Feeling betrayed by her family and her people, Yahid left the Mist city and started a campaign against the teachings and rules of the magical world and society. Her first step would be to go and learn new things from other places in order to be completely prepared to fight. No one would get in her way, not even her own family.

(Currently, I do not have any artwork that best represents the character visually, my apologies :( Please note that this character is created for a very specific type of setting but we can always talk things out if she fits the plot and the other characters.)
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1 | Jun 11th 2023 18:26