August Antonov

Name: August Antonov

Sex: Male
Age: 27
Race: Human
Height: 5’9

Sexuality: Bisexual
Romance Preferences: Switch, likes to dominate and to be dominated

Likes: Reading, Cooking, Food, Cupcakes (are his weakness), Spicy food, Vodka
Dislikes: Overly crowded places, loud noises, storms, obnoxious people, dark places

Fears: Rejection
Nationality: German/Russian

Abilities/Hobbies: Can speak Russian and German, as well as English, pretty good cook, traveling is a big hobby

Quick Personality Peak: Stubborn, Cocky, Sarcastic, genuinely a good guy if you haven’t pissed him off before, holds grudges

Quick Back Story: WIP
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1 | Jun 2nd 2023 02:01