Facts about her.

Her nickname is Alpha, also the name she is called in the field. Investigatior and mercenary at times.

She is a wolf nimox.

She has a wolf following her everywhere and they have a special bound. His name is Yasu.

She is about 30 years old.

Her main element is Punishment.

She is very resistent, a real tank.

She is related to Gino but lost every contact with him for a very long time.

She was born in the southern feuds, but spent all her first years as a wolf, picking up trash to survive. As she grew up, she tried to become part of the community, pretending to be a boy, but that way she ended up in the worst hands. A orphaned young boy in the harshest times for the south, they took her to a merchant crew right away and trained her.

They nicknamed her Alpha from that time, as she became really good, enough to become the leader of the crew, until their job wasn't needed anymore.

It was difficult to adapt to a different lifestyle, she traveled among the feuds for an occupation, taking commissions here and there.

She became an interstellar traveler. Hunting down criminals and bringing them to justice.
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0 | May 27th 2023 05:55