
Name: Traitor

Age: Unknown

Height: Shoulder Height 3'5 feet. Body Length 8 feet

Race: Demon Lion

Power: Transforming into a little black lion kitten to fool enemies and protect his friends

Abilities: Unknown

Strength: Unknown

Weakness: Unknown

Physical Description: Traitor is a big black lion as black as the darkest night. His mane you see a hint of gold bracelets that each carry a braid from his mane. When Traitor transforms into his kitten form, he looks like an ordinally fluffy kitten with big eyes. He always walks proud with his chin always high as he is always ready to protect the ones he cares about.

Background Story: Traitor has met Alaric many years ago they connected instantly. Even though Traitor didn't have a name. One day they has met a girl, he has been a bit mischievous pushing the girl into the mud. She began to call him Traitor hence on how he for his name, ever since then the name was just stuck with him. Even though Traitor is just his name he will never be a Traitor to his family, he is loyal to everyone he has dear to him. And he will gladly die to protect them. Alaric is his companion, you almost always see those two together. If not Traitor is probably out hunting or watching everyone. Alaric also has a baby dragon as well name Sapphire, which is also black as night just like Traitor. Given to him and named by his good friend which is no longer with them due to betrayal. The small dragons name is Sapphire and only stays next to Alaric and Traitors head or back. Even though she is small she is very smart and understands what is happening around her.
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