Asta Katja Strömberg

Name: Asta Katja Strömberg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 20
Birthday: December 25th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Height: 5'4
Weight: 247 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Hair type/Haircut: Long, wavy, braided
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Fair
Distinguishing Physical Features: Freckles

Personality: Asta is a shy yet sweet girl, helping out anyone she can. She becomes more shy around male figures rather than female ones, but treats everyone the same in the way of kindness.

Bio: Born in a village in what is now modern-day Norway, Asta was the youngest child that her parents had. She was raised by her mother to cook, clean, and tend to the crops. She lost her father at a young age due to an accident at sea. She grew up, working odd jobs around her village to help out where she could.

Likes: Flowers, water
Dislikes: Mead
Hobbies: Pottery, wood carving
Fears: Being alone
Relationship Status: Single
Number of Kids: None
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3 | Apr 24th 2023 11:40