Z♥mbie L♥ve St♥ry

Written for DaBox (08-25-2010 21:07)

It was just a day like any other, the sky was clear and bright and the air was hot and muggy. Not that it bothered us any, being undead and all. But it did make it easy to grab a bite to eat.

"Hey Bhanu..." I asked as we ate our latest catch, "Got any plans later?"
Bhanu shook her head and grunted softly, her mouth full of brain matter. She was so pretty. Half of Bhanu's facial tissue was gone, leaving her left eye to dangle free. Her hair was long and dark, contrasting beautifully with her grey rotting flesh. Bhanu was one of the most lovely zombies you'd ever seen.

I couldn't help but smile as I stared at her, gnawing on an arm. Lost in my thoughts. Bhanu was a fairly new zombie, and I was determined to show her the way things worked. Maybe in time, she could become high-functioning like me.

Guttural sounds from Bhanu was all that could draw me from my thoughts. She was choking on brain matter again. Sigh. I thump her hard on the back causing brain to fly from her mouth.

"You should slow down."
I can't even begin to count the number of times this had happened since I had come across her stumbling her way through the streets, trying to bite anything that moved.

Another grunt from Bhanu and then she started to move away from our meal. Probably saw something moving. But after the first week of her wandering off and almost getting her head smashed by some horrible living people, I had put a leash on her.
Bhanu fell back and flailed a little. Sigh. I helped her back to her feet and we started off back to our apartment.

I have been a zombie for about two years now. It was pretty hard at first. But after I figured out to stay away from living people and when is best to get a meal. It really isn't so hard. Except for when living people decide they have something to prove and come raiding to kill us.

As we moved through the building our neighbors stirred, groans and heavy footsteps. The building was old and falling apart. But such is the life of a zombie. Our only safety is in condemned buildings. Maybe the fact that the building is rotting makes us feel more comfortable. Whatever it is. I don't really like it. I would much rather live in a nice neighborhood where I don't have to worry about getting killed every time I go outside.

Bhanu's grunts and tugging at her leash drew my attention to a cat that some of our neighbors had trapped in the busted elevator. Sigh. The poor thing. I hurried along and put Bhanu in our apartment, it was one of the few that still had a door that worked properly. I headed back to the elevator to rescue the poor cat from its doom.
It wasn't too hard, the crowd was easy enough to push aside. I collected the cat and took it outside, knowing that it was likely to get into another predicament around here. I took it to an area where living people dwelled close-by.
"There you go little guy, go on now, and don't come back here."
The cat hightailed it into the living zone. I gazed longingly. Sometimes, I miss being alive. Sigh. I headed back to the apartment, grabbing a few snacks along the way for later.

Bhanu was wandering aimlessly around the apartment when I arrived, which is what she always did. She moved toward me, taking a leg out of my arms. She took it to a corner, squatted down and started to gnaw on it.
"Nice to see you too."
I went to the small kitchen area and put the snacks in the fridge. It wasn't functioning or anything, but it still helps keep flies to a minimum.
I went to the window and stared out over the ruined city...

It has been ten years since the zombie epidemic grew out of hand. They were unable to control it. They figure it won't be long before the zombies outnumber the living. And there seem to be more and more high functioning zombies. Or so they say on the radio. I have only met a few in passing. But would that really be a good thing?
If you seem too much like a living person the zombie hordes will attack you, and if you seem too much like a zombie the living people will attack you. Sigh. But, I think I have found the right balance, but only time will tell.

Bhanu started moving around again, I looked to her, she was messing with the door knob again. It won't be long before she figures out how to open the door. Then what will I do? Bhanu will be killed, AGAIN!

The evening was dull. I could see the lights below from the living people coming to raid. Since zombies in general prefer the dark, it was no surprise to see the living people killing zombie's left and right.
"There goes Bob." I uttered as I watched from the window.
Bhanu was messing at the door again. And then, suddenly there was silence from the room behind me. I turned to find the door standing wide open, Bhanu was gone.
My nonexistent heart sank (as that was how I died, somebody literally stole my heart). I hurried to catch her, but she was nowhere to be seen out in the hall. There was a commotion outside.
"No, Bhanu!"
I hurried along as fast as my gimp leg would allow me. I tumbled down the stairs. It took me a moment but I was back up, leaning on the handrail. I limped to the door of the building and stepped outside just in time to see my beautiful Bhanu take a crowbar to the head, ripping away the rest of her facial tissue and taking a good chunk of her skull with it.
I fell to my knees, as my cry drowned out the crowd of the dying, the dead, and the living.
Everything stopped as all attention turned to me. They seemed stunned. I slowly rose to my feet again and stumbled toward Bhanu's twice dead corpse.
The stun of the crowd only lasted until somebody took a swing at me. I fell onto Bhanu. My second death was slow, I was able to watch as the slaughter continued. Everything faded around me, I could even see my own brain matter as it trailed from my open skull. At least I still had Bhanu...
Heart this
1 | Apr 21st 2023 00:31