Raja, The Undying. (AKA The Demon)

Name: Raja.
Nickname: King, The Unholy, Darkest Soul.

Origin: Unknown - Current Location. Somewhere between realms

Age: Unknown.
Date of Birth Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Dom
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: To cause Havok on the Human Race.
Fears: None.
Secrets: gave up everything to become this powerful.
Mental Disorder: None.
Physical Disorders: None.
Other Disorders: None

Species: Demon.
Eye colour: Amber Red
Hair colour: Deep Red.
Height: 6ft 5

Likes: Violence, Torment, Cursing those who deserve it, Darkness, madness, Blood, Heat.
Dislikes: The Holy Ones, People who try to stand up against him.
Hobbies: Tormenting mortals.

Good traits: NONE.
Bad Traits: Evil, Violent, No remorse.
Strength: Physical and magical.
Weakness: Cannot revert from his evil ways.
Education: Outstanding.
Physical strength: 10/10
Emotional Strength 1/10
Pessimistic/realistic/optimistic: pessimistic.

Confidence: Never loses a fight.
Insecurities: N/A
Personality: Harsh, Cruel, Violent, Trickster, Unkind, Unforgiving.
Mother: Kuja, The Queen of Relent
Father: Draka The King of Blood Rivers.
Brothers: Kunari The Prince of Shadows
Sisters: Pruda The Princess of Forgiveness.

Drinks: Yes
Drugs: Yes
Smokes: Yes
Tattoos: Yes - Several Ancient patterns of Demonic Magic.
Scars: Yes - A lot of people have tried to end him.
Piercings: Yes, a Emerald earing.

Background: Raja wasn't always a bad guy. His Story just started rough. Born to a Family of Powerful Demons, during the time of his growing up, The Demons and The Holy would work together, harmony was a common site. But Raja was not exactly the easiest person to work with, he was unrational and stubborn, he would get into his own head and do things that would annoy those in power. However one evening he had over heard Vallaborn (King of Holiness) Talk about banishing the Demons. Using them for power then shutting them away. Raja had told his father about the plans but Draka ignored his son, accusing him of spiralling.

Raja grew more in rage and doing so lost control of his own power, knowing the fate of the demons made him take matters into his own hands, doing so he struck Vallaborn down with a blade he had taken from Allibru The Maden of Swordsmenship. The blade was pure emerald and mix with the rage of Raja painted Vallaborn red with blood. However without Vallaborn to defend his words, Raja was blamed as a Traitor and banished. As Punishment his entire family was executed and with this the war on Demons and Holys had begun.

many Blamed Raja for what he had done, ignoring the words he spoke. Being cast out of both sides he finally gave in. Leaving the lands he grew up in to pursue making all who refuse to believe in him suffer. Years later the Holys and Demons both agreed Raja was the enemy and now he lives to kill them all. Now there is not a single race who cares for the Demon King, accept the few who dedicate there lifes to worship him and the even fewer who believe him.
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2 | Apr 19th 2023 10:34