Nesy Celvius -- Medieval edition

Name: Nesy Celvius

Bloodline: The Celvius Family

Age: 18
Height: 176 cm / 5'77 ft
Weight: 70 kg
Eye colour: Multicoloured (Green in the left eye, Cyan in the right eye)
Race: Celvestian (Medieval version of the race, not the high-tech one)
Sex/Gender: (Male/Male)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Profession: Adventurer


Nesy is polite, disciplined and barely angry over anything, because he has very decent emotional control over himself despite the fact his mind tends to be unstable. He has a mental illness that makes him space out when he is not doing anything, causing him to sink into constant flashbacks. Nesy treats other people the way they treat him to a degree, except he tries to constantly prove he is better then them in terms of behavior, because he knows that he is capable of doing great things.

Nesy is very social and gains energy from speaking to people, which is one of the reasons it fuels his will to live, fight and prosper because he doesn't want to be in a world where he can't express his thoughts or concerns.

He is always curious and tends to improve his ability to solve problems by putting himself into random situations he had never been in. This fuels his tendency to continue adventuring through vast expanses. His desire to conquor places he had never been to is also a secondary contributing factor to his curiosity, even though there had been moments he doubts himself.

Nesy's kindness comes from the fact he has been through situations where kindness helps a lot. Before the age of 17, he was very shy, but now he has learned the difference between kindness and forced kindness. You can never force things, that's something everyone should know.

Furthermore, he believes in equality, and every man should be able to live for himself without any superiors telling them what to do with their lives, unless it threatens other people. He believes in economic policies that should benifit the people, corporations/companies/etc and so on and so forth.

In addition to that, doesn't care about people's races as much, as he focuses on the tiny details. The "truer" details. He considers himself as the person who likes to dig into the trashcan to find every single detail, clue without leaving any nucks or corners untouched or unseen. It's very similar to what a naturalist would think. Honestly, probably what a naturalist would think. He studies the natural world a lot, because he wants to know the full picture.

To top it off, Nesy respects people's boundries and personal space. He does this to ensure people don't think bad of him, and he wants people to see who he really is. He does kind of feel weird about it, but he feels like it's the right thing to do as well.


Nesy was born in the countryside with his parents who were farmers, working hard and laboring in the fields. While he grew up his urge for adventure, because he was simply very curious of his surroundings and of the world. He wanted to travel the world since there was so much to see. His parents agreed to that most of the time, despite some journeys being dangerous because they were also adventurers.

After this, Nesy began to find interest in finding treasures and secrets because of a special incident in his life. During the age of 13, he found a key after he tripped on what seemed to be a "root", but it was a key lodged in the ground. More strange things happened of course, but this is one incident that really made a difference.

Despite Nesy's shyness at the age of 17, he has finally managed to grow out of it. He started to grow out of his parents too as they became older and weaker. Nesy was not aware of this for some reason, because he thought about the future too much. He wanted to escape to the world, but his parents told him to stay with them and tend the fields. Of course, there were polite back and forwards arguments. It was something that is rather surprising at his age.

Nesy's parents throughout the times have treated Nesy well, despite their strictness which is the source of Nesy's discipline and politeness. They didn't spank Nesy, they scolded him for what he did wrong and what he could improve. Additionally, one of the primary reasons for not being angry is because his parents taught him self control very well.

This is something that is stuck with him forever.

However, sadly, the reason for his flashbacks is because his parents died in a horrible incident. It's something that's a mystery as to what happened. It was a bloody scene indeed, but he can't talk about it because of the fear that he felt back then. Yes, that's the reason he left and now he is parentless... Forever.
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1 | Apr 13th 2023 11:22