DC verse

Name: Luna Constantine
Age: 22
Date of birth: 16th of April
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Current residence: America
Other residences: Wales
Relationship status: It's complicated
Accent: British, Welsh
Languages spoken: English, Welsh, Latin, Ancient Greek and a small bit of Hebrew

Luna is the result of one of the many flings of John Constantine's over the years and until recently only knew her farther by reputation.
Her mother dabbled in the occult in her younger days which is how she met John and ultimately got pregnant.
John was long gone by the time Luna's mother started to show.
Luna grew up in England but moved to America to study and to escape certain events in her past.
Her mother did not want her to become a witch and does not support her current lifestyle, but Luna doesn't feel like she has much of a choice.
When Luna was around 17, due unfortunate circumstances for which she blames herself, she was forced to banish Sara to Hell. She now feels like she needs to spend her life making up for this and it's why she never left magic behind. Who else is there to stop a future Sara from happening?
She spent two years in a mental facility after everything with Sara went down. After that she saved up money and moved to America where she now works as an exorcist.
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3 | Apr 5th 2023 14:54