The God Pan (A Modern Take)

Name: Pan AKA the god of nature
Nickname: N/a

Origin: Greece

Age: N/A
Date of Birth N/A
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Switch
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: God of Nature.
Fears: The collapse of Nature, Deforestation, Pollution, Mankind, Rubbish, Hunters, Landfills, Global Warming, Anything that threatens nature.
Secrets: Isopods are his favourite.
Mental Disorder: None
Physical Disorders: None
Other Disorders: None

Species: Human/Faun
Eye colour: peach/pale rose
Hair colour: Silvery White.
Height: 5ft 4

Likes: Nature, Animals, Streams, Rain, Woodland, Bird songs, Smell of Flowers, taste of fresh fruit and veggies.
Dislikes: Humans and all there selfish deeds.
Hobbies: Gardening, Caring for animal, Reading.

Good traits: Kind, Compassionate and Loving
Bad Traits: Protective of all plants, Will Defend with LIFE
Strength: The ability to control Nature, summoning plants and animals to stand beside him. Has been known to throw a cacti or two.
Weakness: Shy and Easily startled, rarely seen by human kind.
Education: He is a god so, I assume great!
Physical strength: 5/10
Emotional Strength 5/10
Pessimistic/realistic/optimistic: Realistic.

Confidence: His connections to nature.
Insecurities: Mankind!
Personality: Kind, Loving, Protective, Calm most of the time, A little Anxious of new people, Strong Trust, Helpful, Smart and Tolerant of others
Mother: A Wood Nymph
Father: Hermes
Brothers: Laertes
Sisters: Unknown.

Drinks: Yes
Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Tattoos: A glowing Deer on his back, blue and gold tints.
Scars: A few from taking care of some slightly angrier beasts and plants.
Piercings: Yes Earrings on both ears

Background: Pan is a lesser known Ancient Greek God, he is known as the God of Nature, life and everything in-between, the Son of Hermes and a Wood Nymph he is originally seen as a centaur like creature, half man and half wood nymph. He is an intelligent god and loving to all life.


My take on Pan, Pan was once a worthy god, similar to all the rest. But after history forced those to forget mankind became less careful when nature was involved. Pan's close connection to nature meant that every chopped tree, every can in the ocean was slowly killing him bit by bit. To survive in a modern era Pan took to hiding in the last place he knows is safe from mankind "The Elder Wood" an ancient woods once full of life, acts as a Shelter to all desperate to hide from Mankind. Pan grew weaker from the constant actions of man and in return could no longer keep up his centaur like appearance reverting to a human like state, only keeping his antlers.

To this day only rumours speak of Pan, but not by his name. All the talk says is "if you go to the forest where the crows don't sing and the tree's don't whisper. He will wait but hear my warning. Startle his natural friends and he will reclaim you to the soil"
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1 | Mar 28th 2023 07:00