
In Razor's language.

After I ate meat with lupical and his family, I followed back lupical to the big house.
I watched lupical search the boxes with cockroaches and get happy from finding them inside. Not fun, I'm bored.
I lied on the floor, but grass is better. Grass is bigger and smells good.

I wanted to rest, but then lupical took something strange and I want to see.
I went to him and try to take it from him. It has feathers like birds, so maybe it's meat?
Lupical didn't want to give me. He ran, so I run too. I want to see what he has.
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1 | Mar 24th 2023 17:09
Dream "Oh no, it wasn't a mistake for sure. Something as powerful as a God wouldn't make mistakes, right?
Right. They should be in the buildings, maybe find out through the servants where cockroaches tend to be more active at night. I don't really know much about insects, they are disturbing for me. Or, the traps you made worked, maybe make a few more?
Rules...are they really necessary right now? I would like to have moments without a prince it is a bit choking sometimes. I don't know how Arashi manages, he always looks so free and chill..." He himself doesn't feel much pressure from the throne but all the rumors and talking behind back give him anxiety.
"What would it recognize as food? Consider they are taking here more...normal food than this." He looks at the Earth snacks. "Though, they look appealing. What are they..."
Woopino «I… mollayo, I didn't mean to say that Rex Lapis makes mistakes like any other… it's just hard to believe that someone so amazing saw something in… me…»

Cyno. «Rules are essential not just for the sake of peaceful living, but also to ensure the safety of the inhabitants of any place.» He is rules' fan number 1, he and Shisui would have been besties.
«It probably only saw the food made in Sumeru. We will see how it reacts to the more traditional food that is coming. The food from Earth is especially delicious, regardless its funny shape.» He takes a coconut bar.

«There are chocolate with coconut, with caramel and peanuts, KitKat with peanut butter, candies, marshmallows, lollipops, sparkly rock candies, jellies, chips, wasabi peanuts, paprika almonds, matcha pocky…» The list goes on.
Dream "If you think that, he did well to prove you it is not so. He noticed you among many, probably.
I understand their importance, I don't mean that...mine is more a concept of freedom but of course my freedom ends when yours begins. I just would like to...spoil myself a little, sometimes. You must have some kink to feed too, Cyno!" Not meaning anything dirty.
"I will try it for sure. There definitely isn't meat anyway." He just doesn't want to risk to take away something that could attract the jinni out.
"Alright, now it is enough...don't make me hungrier than I already am about this food."
Woopino «Hmm…» He doesn't feel particularly confident after his gaffe with the cockroaches.

Cyno. «There are laws that forbid princes from relaxing and enjoying themselves? In that case, those would be wrong rules and require to be modified.» He ponders. «Me? I sometimes take a walk in the desert at night.» TCG is his lifestyle, not just a kink.

«Wae? I brought all these snacks so that everyone could eat too… I can always get more if we run out of them. That's what they are for…»
Dream "No, of course not, but you know there are some specific rules for proper princes...
Is that...your kink?" He blinks. "I expected something a bit more...not filthy, but still...anyhow, I want to play that game, let's do it soon.
Because...what if I eat the one jinni wants and it ends up not coming out? It would be terrible for me."