World of Warcraft Oc

Appearance: Long black hair, Ice blue eyes, she is 5’5, she has a fair sized bust and ass, she wears an ice blue robe, black pants, with black slippers, gloves, belt, shoulder pads.
Backstory: Jezzicat is a pandaren priest. She had left her home world to help the Alliance fight against the horde. She has survived many battles and has many scars to prove it.
Personality: She keeps to herself until she needs to step in and break up a fight or an argument.
Weapons: Her staff
Powers: Smite, Shadow word Pain, Flash heal, Power word shield, mind blast, power word fortitude, psychic scream, desperate prayer, fade, resurrection, shadow word death, levitate, mind vision, dispel magic, shackle undead, focused will, mind control, mass dispel, leap of faith, mind soothe and power infusion.
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0 | Mar 23rd 2023 13:49