Lacy Malfoy Potter

~Lacy Narcissa Malfoy Potter~

I-I don’t like to talk about it, but I guess I should. My name is Lacy Narcissa Malfoy Potter. Twin sister to Draco Malfoy. And I’m proud to say that we have become great friends and have come to love one another as brother and sister. When Draco and I were born Father wasn’t pleased with having a daughter, claimed I couldn’t carry the family name, so he took me to Lord Voldemort so he could “take care of me” in the end I gained a lovely souvenir, a lightning scar on my arm Normally I try to hide it, but ever since I met Harry I’m not as ashamed of it as I once was. My Mother pretended I was dead and sent me somewhere safe, she sent me to Sirius Black and once he was sent to Azkaban, he sent me to a muggle family. They were kind to me and had a son who had gone to Hogwarts, so they knew of the Wizarding world. Before I met Harry I was terrible at hiding who I crushed on. I love astrology, I love the stars. The Astronomy Tower is where Harry and I had our first kiss. I’m now happily married to Harry Potter and hope to have many happy years together.
---The night sky is my home---

Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Patronus/Animagus: Horse
Birthday: June 5,
Age: 28
Nickname(s): Lace, Lay-Lay (close friends, Fam), Starlight (Harry)
Hobbie(s): Studies the Stars, aiming to be an Astrologist
Leo Draco Potter Luna Alice Potter
Children: 2, Twins
Age: 1
Twin’s B-day: February 17th
Favorite Color(s): Red, Blue, Green, Silver, Gold
Pet: Phoenix
Name: Wix Firestorm
Credit: M.A.A.A
Status: married to Harry Potter
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