Familliar Troubles

Hmmph. I was hoping to take a short break from my time conscious, but for only one olden-hour (that is, two modern standard hours), was I permitted my respite. That is because under my house we retain a familiar. When I return to my adoptive-clan's holding, he stays with me. Unfortunately, he grew sickly for some unknown reason, and consequentially caused a mess. Which was upon my resting sheets.

Soon after, he woke me,.as he is not necessarily a familiar of low intelligence. Of course, I did my due dilligence and evacuated the spill. His sickness was as a butterfly, whose existence is but to disturb my eternal cycle. Now, I may retire once more. I shall try to communicate more personally soon.

(Note: I do not have nearly as many tails as this cartoon kitsune. It is merely representative.of.my mood, not my status or appearance.)
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