
Princess Emerald Elemental (birth name)

Emma Senju. (Adopted name)

Age. 10

History. Moments after her birth it was obvious she was different. The underground network what protects the kingdom of Blessings showed their true colours and started to attack the royal family. With a small number of trusted gaurds they got the baby out.

Ten years before the leaf village was formed the king's grandfather married a Senju but she was executed for not producing a male heir only a daughter, 5 others who had no children had the same fate giving him the name the mad king, the king's blood line was also of the uzamaki, huyga, uchia, bird tamer clan and puppet master clan with a unique bloodline technic. For that reason a secret team from the leaf took the princess to the village, changing her name to keep her safe.

Family secret. There was a reason why she is different, the royal family decend from a king who married a 10 tailed gaurdian of the land. Long before the sage of the six paths parents were born and the 10 tailed beast was born. The family had phoenix blood throw there vains. The royal family protect a place where all bad creatures go who can be summoned to a hidden place. A female is born only when the seal needs strengthening with all chakra points unlock. The power of the phoenix guardian,( the rulers of the chakra creatures once known as) is born.

Meanwhile she must learn control like any other child or rookie over her chokura and other skills. She takes after her birth mother being a fast learner graduates a year early just like Kakashi did before her. Never been told she is royalty, or what's respected of her, till the time comes. Only someone with a lot of training and chokura could sense a increase of negative chokura meaning the truth as to come out. Till that time she is treated like any other child with one exception. Dancing lessons what she hates. She is also still at the clumsy stage at tripping over her own feet and loose rocks. Maybe smart and more powerful than she knows but still has her faults and ways to go be becoming a true Ninja.

Dance uniform
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