new ocs!!!

far left: erika verchstat (VER-shtat)
age: 20
gender: female
hair color: red
rank: Gefreiter
weapon: mp18, p08, trench shovel, stick grenades, anti tank grenades.
sexial orientation: bisexual
dating status: single and ready to mangle. (ha!)

info about her: erika was born in 1897
she was raised in prussia but born in dresden, she is cold blooded (in terms of attitude) a fierce warrior, she takes no sh*t from no one and she will follow through with orders no matter what, her parents were rich she has 3 siblings 2 died of sickness and one currently serves in the war with her.
on her shoulder she has one injury, a bullet mark.

2nd girl, close left)
viktoria venstein
age: 19
gender: female
hair color: blond
rank: soldat
weapon: selbslater 1916 with bayonet, c96 carbine, grenades, medical supplies.
sexual orientation: straight
dating status: has a boyfriend back home.

info: viktoria is a quiet but couragous soldier she is a medic she does not back down from a fight and she will do anything to save somebody, she truly is a good soldier, she was born in 1898, she was raised in berlin her parents were middle class and had good jobs however her father abusive and her mother divorced him in 1910, she has a scar on her back from being cut with a broken bottle from her father, she has depression.

(other 2 are a W.I.P.)

Heart this
5 | Mar 10th 2023 17:05
Stormtrooper i always choose either scout or assualt cause scout has high damage and assualt is anti tank and i sometimes choose medic for the aesthetic of it but i do choose machinegun too cause the bar and madsen mg and the italian on with the weird mag, the benets mercie mg.