please read! main blog post

hi! you can call me marjorine. since the fields on my profile are pretty small in max character size, i'm moving most of the stuff here!

i am a south park roleplaying account, so south park is the only fandom i’m interested in roleplaying for!

characters i play -----
- butters (or marjorine) stotch
- kenny mccormick

i will do -----
- practically any ship involving my characters!
- nsfw (with characters that are at least 18, including if they’re aged up from canon age)
- angst

i will not do -----
- nsfw with characters that are minors in roleplay.

if you're curious on if i'll do the kind of rp you want to do, always ask! i don't bite.

i have no triggers / topics to avoid for the most part, so go ham!

i usually roleplay literate to semi-literate, but usually try to match the length of my partners' responses. i use proper grammar, capitalization, i don't use symbols to mark actions, and i put dialogue in quotation marks. i won't be upset if you type a different way, but i would prefer correct grammar!

if there's anything else you're curious about, feel free to ask!

last updated 2/08/2024!
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1 | Feb 27th 2023 23:23