OC List!

My Dangan OCs..er, or the ones I would prefer to roleplay most!!

Naofumi Azechi --- SHSL Lucky Student, Nonbinary, He/they
A cheery individual, always smiling. Has an affection for kitty cats!! Willing to gush about ev~ery~thi~ng he loves! Is close friends with another OC of mine, Haruka Koizumi, so the two might reference each other at times. Naofumi's backstory is.. a bit bizarre, but let's just say he was raised in a cult and has killed many people. NOT the same cult as the one Haruka was raised in!

Haruka Koizumi --- SHSL....Hope?, Nonbinary, He/they (got a pattern starting here)
A... a person? Raised to become the human embodiment of despair, Haruka Koizumi is remarkably friendly, albeit a bit shy. He tends to believe himself a background character to everyone's lives - unfortunately, he's the protagonist. And the villain. You know how it goes! Sometimes people become evil and f***ed up! ..Haruka is not evil and f***ed up, he simply...killed his classmates in a killing game he hosted under the puppeteering of his father's hand.
Haruka can at times be.. a very despair-ridden person, and if you need a base of reference for what I mean, I suppose I am comparing him to Junko to an extent.
Of my characters, he is likely the one that may get most disturbing, and TWs for any RPs with him are: human experimentation, cults, idolization of bad people & implied abuse/neglect.

*Haruka is not related to Mahiru - I made him while I wasn't as into DGR, so I didn't realize they shared a surname. Jus a coincidence!

Kizuki --- SHSL .........................???, Nonbinary, they/them
Kizuki is fascinated by despair and what it does to people. They're willing to do close to anything for a reaction, and fails to consider how what they're doing can hurt people. Raised in the shadow of their father, a man dedicated to curing the world of its current perpetual state of despair.. Kizuki..has not developed very healthy coping mechanisms whatsoever. Kizuki's dating my other OC, Hide, who they may reference.
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0 | Feb 21st 2023 22:10