Fated or Fatal

First name; John
Middle name; Ashur
Last name; Kovic

John stands at roughly 6’4, average build but has broad shoulders to carry himself.
He wears a black tank top with a pair of dog tags hanging from his neck. A brown suede jacket with a fur collar trim and fur lining. Sometimes he wears a full black pinstripe suit with a black tie.
A militaristic sleek suit that comprises of kevlar and a material you’d see on diving suits and a black plate carrier with many mag pouches for his more cloak and dagger type scenarios.
Black polarized aviators with gold frames cover his bright blue eyes.
John wears black cargo pants that tuck into a pair of black military style boots.
Brown locks of hair drop down to his shoulders and a heavyset beard dawns his face proudly.
Many scars show themselves in the forms of bullet scars, deep wounds over his neck, shoulders, arms and chest. Burns would be very prominent throughout the course of his body.
His skin is fair but slightly tanned from many hours underneath the sun.

Traits and personality;
John is a very rational thinker and calm under moments of sheer distress. In fact, danger can’t seem to avoid him, in fact it covers him like a shroud. Everywhere he goes, something or someone wants a piece of him. As calm as he is, he is quick to taunt others as well as insult with quick remarks and a condescending attitude. To those who actually don’t try to kill him or pick a fight, he can be real friendly.
He can be rather antisocial despite his demeanor and sometimes avoids conversation altogether.
Sees himself more so a vigilante of sorts, taking down the bad so that the good can thrive.
Prefers to be alone but doesn’t mind the occasional conversation with those he trusts, to those he doesn’t, he doesn’t speak much.
His kindness is sometimes taken advantage of as he becomes trusting too easily but hell come high water when his trust is betrayed, the area and its surroundings become a warzone for John.

The Chicago Incident;
John took his first job on as a fixer, someone who does various shady jobs for criminal organizations, even organizations on the legal side who need something done outside the confines of the law. He was only seventeen when he took on the brutal murderous streets of Chicago, unfortunately he only added to the blood that stained the streets.
A job gone wrong seen a young John being hunted down by multiple organizations and street gangs. Many in which hired fixers, mercenaries, and petty street thugs to try and kill him. - None survived the ordeal.
Eventually the was face to face with the very people who set him up as he brutally executed them, leaving them as a display and s reminder not to come for him anymore.
After a while he knew his time in the Windy City was at it’s end, soon her packed up all the gear and money he accumulated over the course of his jobs and went out west to Santa Monica.

Before the chaos and the revelation of John’s prowess;

Before the events of Chicago, John was a mere five year old, he would live a majority of his life within the confines of a laboratory complex underneath Chicago where scientists would experiment on him and numerous children. This program was labeled as “WHITE RABBIT” fifty children would be subjected to the harsh regime and experiments within the lab and all but seven children would survive. John of course was the perfect specimen of this rather mysterious program by the government. The higher ups would classify this as a new form of super soldier program to genetically modify these children and throw them on a battlefield to “eliminate the enemy” The modification resulted in super human strength, extreme reflex conditioning, secondary echolocational vision, and super human agility. John would excel in all of the modifications and would secretly undergo the final testing phase of the mutations to the human gene. This being he was given hyper-like reflexes, an upgrade to the already quite powerful ones he had. With this, he underwent firearms and various weapons training were it was revealed that because the hyper reflexes, this made all of John’s shooting and aiming prowess unmissable, meaning if he sees it, he hits with one hundred percent accuracy.

The journey to Santa Monica, Hunter becomes hunted;

John would nearly escape the insanity that was Chicago. He made it to the west coast and spent a few good years dealing with rich boy clients and coked out celebrities wanted someone taken out or have security. John was the best of the business, skilled assassin by night, security consultant by day.
Eventually the tides would turn as he soon found himself dating a lovely woman by the name of Karolyn or just Karol for short. The two met while John was overseeing a movie set for one of his clients where he laid his eyes on Karol. She would play a part within the movie in which John’s boss was producing. Time passed by and the two would have a kid together, a little girl named Emily. John would put his old life behind him and work strictly as the day by day security consultant. Some years would go by as life would eventually catch up to John, the side effects of his powers would start to cause him to shake violently. He would result to constant drug use and heavy drinking. This caused him to lash out and become quite destructive. His carelessness would eventually be his downfall as some less than savory characters from his past life would track him down. The group would first trace down where his home was, there they would brutally gun down his wife and child. John would eventually find them and would of course execute them with no mercy, he would burn down his home with the rage that burned within his own heart. He turned into a ruthless killing machine that he was meant to be, what he was trained to be. Killing person after person, body after body, leaving the sandy beaches of Santa Monica red. Eventually, he grew out of the endless bloodlust. Nobody could stop him, he lost everything he ever cared about, so he increased his drug useable and became even more sloppy, he surely became a danger to himself and those around him. Sure enough, he left the west coat all together, lost in his head, all but the faded memories of his wife and daughter.

Power and abilities ; John is capable of advanced forms of hand to hand combat, having being trained by the best of the best has to offer since he was only five.
Super human durability ; Having his dna modified many times through trial and error would result to his skin being more durable than most materials that exist but he is still in fact a mortal being, there’s a limit to how much he can take before that durability becomes useless.
Super human speed ; John can run slightly faster than the average human. He uses this speed to his advantage being able to use this with his hyper fixatied reflexes.
Hyper reflexes ; With slight super agility, John can feel the sudden shift within the air, he can feel when someone is able to attack, via by proxy or from a distance. With these reflexes he can use a sort of pseudo bullet time, being trained with mastery-level firearms training. With this, he can predict where his rounds will hit, how they will, when they will, even using this to use his own bullets to hit one another to spilt apart or ricochet off surfaces. He doesn’t miss a shot unless purposely done so.
Being another form , his movement can detect anomalies in others’s being able to dodge or counter whatever the oncoming attack may be.
Master strategist and expert engineer ; John can work most technologies with fair ease, being able to hack his way into many devices using programs he hardcoded on his own. He can also create improvised weapons and explosives as to use among his arsenal of weaponry. John is also fairly good trapper, being able to lay down a various amount of traps to ambush his enemies.
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0 | Feb 20th 2023 02:39