Ildriux "Zer0" Systamus

Name: Ildriux Z. Systamus

Alias: Zer0, Systam

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Preferences: [REDACTED]

Personality: Zer0 is the kind of person you'd find sitting at a secluded table at the back of the bar or the diner, typically alone with a hood pulled over his head to try and drown out the rest of the world. He doesn't say much to strangers and his circle of friends is nearly non-existent due to his old childhood friends betraying him during their youth.

Likes/Loves: Tea (Like), His Swords (Love), Mischief (Like), Fighting (Like), Riding his motorcycle (Love), Helping his friends (Like)

Dislikes/Hates: Corps (Any/All, HATE), Coffee (Dislike), 4-Wheeled "Steel Coffins" (His words, not mine. Dislike), Firearms (Any/All, Dislike), Fake Friends (Hate)

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Day-to-day Life: Mercenary, willing to take on any contract, especially ones against Corps. Lives somewhere in the badlands and frequents the "El Coyote Cojo" Bar in Heywood as well as Tom's Diner in Watson. He will usually spend most of his day working out contracts he has at the time, afterwards he can be found relaxing at the Afterlife during the nighttime hours to unwind and have a relaxing drink. His usual drink depends on his mood, so there's no telling what he'd order until he does.

Reputation: Simply known as "Zer0" or "Systam". The only thing that the fixers of Night City know about him is that he's meticulous in his work and as lethal as a dose of Polonium with his custom made Katana dubbed "Midnight's Tranquil".

Background: Most of Zer0's life has been a rough road, from living on the streets of Heywood to running small jobs here and there between Santa Domingo and Westbrook. By the time he was 17 he grew tired of these small jobs and he eventually started taking on bigger jobs from local fixers. The jobs were all pretty much the same: screw with someone's operation, flatline a certain person or a group of persons, steal goods from one person for another, etc. Within 3 or 4 years after Zer0 started taking up more high risk contracts, he began to visit various different Ripperdocs and began acquiring various different cybernetic mods, Kiroshi Optics, Leg Implants allowing him to jump higher and faster, subdermal armor as well as optical camo and monofilament wire embedded in his wrists for a quick secondary attack method should he be disarmed, just to name a few. With these new Cybernetic modifications to his body, his work quickly began to bore him until Zer0 eventually found himself standing at the entrance to the Afterlife, a contract like no other having been offered to him to infiltrate a Militech base out in the Badlands to steal an experimental weapon. The contract quickly went south but by the time the gunfire and comms went quiet, a heavily bloodied and injured Zer0 exited the base with his prize in hand and miraculously intact. He now is more than happy to accept any contract, even if it involves a corp, as long as the fixer who set up the contract doesn't mind a bit of bloodshed.

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Arsenal: Midnight's Tranquil {A Katana made specifically for Zer0's fighting style in mind, a blade that is locked in the sheath until it is pushed deeper to hit the switch and unlock the blade.}

Monowire {A Whip-like wire made of monofilament material. It has a cutting edge only a molecule wide that is more than capable of piercing through unarmored skin.}

Combat Style: Zer0 practices an unorthodox style of swordsmanship, wielding his katana with the sheath still locked on the blade. In his own words, "I refuse to dull my blade on foes who can be just as easily cut through with a dull butter knife. Thus I will reserve my blade for those I deem worthy of it such as David Martinez and his little group, Adam Smasher and all of Arasaka. Hell even Johnny Silverhand if he were still around. Should I need to fight any of them, I will then draw my sword."
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2 | Feb 15th 2023 22:53