Petra - The Medieval Fighter

♦ Name: Petra

♦ Age: 16-25

♦ Birthday: May 5th

♦ Height: 5'4

♦ Profession: Mercenary, blade for hire

♦ Hair: Long golden blonde hair, typically worn straight and long down her back

♦ Eyes: Ocean blue

♦ Build/features: Petra is a fighter, she is muscled but slender. She is thin and quick, her arms and legs are long and nimble. Due to the tribe she was raised in she has various tattoos over her body and small whisker markings on her cheeks. Her ears are thin and pointed.

♦ Likes: making money, helping people, drinking, singing, traveling

♦ Dislikes: thieves, humans, villains, heights, birds

♦ Weapons: Two unique daggers that resemble small axes

♦ Personality: Petra is an out-spoken spit fire. She isn't afraid to launch head on into danger and is always looking to help the people of her small town. She is head strong and stubborn and has a bad habit of thinking her way of handling things is the right way. Petra works well alone, but is not opposed to going on adventures or pursuing marks with a team or group. She is considered a 'tom boy' and doesn't mind getting a little dirty.

♦ Background: Petra doesn't remember her parents, as a young kit she was adopted by a little elderly couple who ran a small farm on the outskirts of town. She cared for them, did everything she could to help them until their eventual demise. During her growing she was fond of swords and daggers and her adopted father taught her the basics of sword handling as he was a retired soldier. She inherited the farm and their money, which wasn't much. She sold that and became a hired blade. She now moved from town to town, work board to work board looking for jobs whether it be slaying a creature or taking care of bandit camps.

♦ BONUS! PLOT IDEA: The Feline race was no more, save for one golden haired girl that lived nestled deep in the forest in a small lumber town. She is the last of her kind and heir to the throne of Aldaria. Well, she would be, if the kingdom still existed. When she was only a few weeks old, the humans marched on her father's kingdom, declaring war, wanting to rid the earth of her kind. Her mother snuck her away, sending her to live with an old couple in the forest far from the prying eyes of the enemy. The humans killed every Feline and claimed Aldaria as their own. Now, seventeen years later, Princes Petra is ready to reclaim her homeland and avenge her parents - are you willing to aide her on this journey?
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1 | Feb 10th 2023 10:37