Roleplay Rules

Hello there! Thank you for coming to take a look at my roleplay rules. I'd greatly appreciate you reading through these before sending me a friend request and messaging, just in case you don't think we're compatible.

~ As a personal request, you must be over the age of 21 to roleplay with me.

~ Please be as literate as possible! Correct grammar is a *MUST* with "" used for speech. Write as if you're writing a book.

~ Third person/past tense writing (she/he/they) is preferred. I try and avoid first person, but I'm not totally against it and understand if there's an odd mix up in the writing.

~ I mainly only roleplay with FxM, however willing to try FxF if the pitch intrigues me.

~ Despite my roleplays being purely fantasy-based, please try and remain as realistic as possible. So, no incredibly overpowered characters/objects, etc.

~ I mainly write novella responses and try my hardest to be as descriptive as possible within all areas (characters, world building, objects, etc.). Therefore, my messages can VERY easily reach over 1000+ words per message and I do expect this in return. If I don't feel like I'm getting much back from you after the first few messages I will terminate the roleplay and remove you as a friend.

~ I'm not against romance, spice, NSFW, but only when the story warrants it after a suitable amount of time has passed and characters have bonded.

~ Following the above, I'm also not against dark/grotesque themes/scenes, but again; only when the story warrants it. That being said, I'd prefer not to deal with any incredibly crude scenes/writing unless its for a very specific reason previously specified by my partner towards the progression of the story/plot.

~ Do not roleplay my OC within our story - you stick to yours, and I'll stick to mine. Roleplaying secondary characters between us is fine, but please do not presume to take control of my OC to fit your own narrative.

~ Primarily, I only roleplay through email. Simply, due to being able to write and read novella messages in an easier setting. I find that difficult to do on this website and any other platform.

~ PLEASE have fun when you're writing. Put as much emotion, thought, and drive into your messages as possible. I can very easily tell when someone isn't giving their all - I want to enjoy reading your responses as much as I hope you enjoy reading mine!
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23 | Feb 3rd 2023 17:23