Kage Kitsune (The Modern Samari)

Name: Kage Kitsune
Nickname: Kagie

Origin: Tokyo

Age: 21
Date of Birth N/A
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Role: Vers
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Student (Artist)
Fears: None
Secrets: doesn't always like the way his family act.
Mental Disorder: None
Physical Disorders: None
Other Disorders: None

Species: Human/Fox
Eye colour: Deep Blue
Hair colour: Ginger
Height: 5ft 5

Likes: Art, Gaming, Walking, Cooking, Planting Flowers, Watching Nature.
Dislikes: Rain, Loud People, Being peoples Problems, Dark Coffee.
Hobbies: Painting, Cooking, Gaming, Gardening.

Good traits: Kind, Loyal, Always Helpful, Supportive, Loving, Charismatic.
Bad Traits: Kinda over trusting, huge people pleaser.
Strength: His Kindness and Love for all things living.
Weakness: His over trusting nature.
Education: Good.
Physical strength: 4/10
Emotional Strength 7/10
Pessimistic/realistic/optimistic: Optimistic

Confidence: His Eyes
Insecurities: None.
Personality: Polite, Charming, Easy Going, Friendly, Calm.
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Brothers: N/A
Sisters: N/A

Drinks: No
Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Tattoos: No
Scars: No
Piercings: No

Background: The Kitsune were a powerful group of Samari, years and years ago the clan of Samari had a lot of respect, helping the ;locals with law, they were known for their powerful ways and amazing combat skills carved their way though legacy. In the Modern day The Kitsune were forced to abandon their old ways as times changed, However growing up in a family of legends wasn't easy for Kage.

Kage was a peace keeper and protected nature and friendships rather then fighting. He was such an opposite person from his family that the second he was old enough he moved out of his home to study, taking art the young boy still held his families legacy in his blood! However he was such a sweet and loving person no one would ever know he was even a Kitsune.
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2 | Jan 23rd 2023 16:14