
Name: Henry castellanos

Gender: male

Age: 41

Height: 6’0

Weight: 174

Eye color: hazel brown

Hair color: black

Race: human, android, Mixed race hispanic Sexuality: still figuring that sh*t out

Skin tone/type: fair skin.

Description: He has a gaunt face marred with scars and a light five o'clock shadow, a constantly tired and worn look to him.

Clothing: a white shirt and pinstriped waistcoat, along with a matching loose tie. Around the buckle of his faded brown trousers are a multitude of pouches and clamps for his various gadgets.

Personality: very confident. He is very passionate about everything he does.

Actions: stays up very late and sometimes doesn’t even sleep just to achieve a step closer to his goals. And brags when he achieves that step.

Occupation: chemist/ engineer
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0 | Nov 26th 2022 02:38