Staff/Noah (SAO OC)

Real Life Information

Name: (First, Last): Noah (No last name given)

Age: 23

Gender: Mle

Nationality: (American, Japanese, Italian, etc etc.): American

Were you a Beta-Tester?: (Try avoiding this!): he was

Personality: (Be descriptive here, and not just a list of words. Explain the personality.): Noah is a man who "stays in his lane", so to speak. He's never had the courage to stand up to those who pick on the weak. He is not a weak person, he stands at 6'3, has a sturdy frame, and with some working out, could be a threat. but he doesn't have the drive....he wants to stick up for people, but can only use his words...."the pen is mightier then the sword" rings true for him.

Description: (Again, be descriptive! Include body type, outfit, hairstyles, any accessories, tattoos, scars, and piercings he/she may have.): Noah is an average male standing at 6'3 with a skinny build. He tends to wear t-shirts, and just whatever he needs for the weather.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Weight: NA

Height: 6'3

Real Life Relationships: Single

Sword Art Online Information

Screen Name: Staff

Level: 55

Guild: (Is your character a part of a guild?): The Merchant's glove

Head: (Is your character wearing a helmet/hat/etc?): He wears a leather cap he re-enforced himself

Neck: (Is your character wearing any necklace type objects?): he wears a special amulet....his last memory of her

Shoulders: (Is your character wearing shoulder guards?): his armor has re-enforced shoulder pads.

Chest: (What is your character wearing? This includes things like shirts, tabards, and armor plating.): he wears strong armor plating over his body to protect against bandits.

Hands: (Is your character wearing gloves?): he wears gloves on normal days, whether he's in the shop or not.

Rings: (Does your character wear any rings? Max is 2): He would've....if not for....

Waist: (Is your character wearing a belt/sash?): he wears a thing black belt when out in the field.

Legs: (Is your character wearing pants/shorts/skirt/etc?): he wears normal shorts.

Feet: (Is your character wearing boots/shoes/sandals/etc?): strong boots re-enforced by someone close to him.

Trinkets: (Does your character have any 'lucky' trinkets that they carry? Max is 2): The necklace he has was given to him by someone special. While not enchanted, he believes it to be good saved his life, after all.


Main Hand: (What does your character carry as their main weapon?): he wields a bo-staff, using two-hands on it.

Off Hand: (Does your character carry a secondary weapon or shield? This doesn't apply if your character is carrying a two-handed weapon.): he wields a two-handed weapon.

(List the Sword skills and extra skills that your character knows here, and a brief explanation of how well they can do the skill.)
Multi-strike: By concentrating a few moment he swing his staff at a faster speed, allowing multiple strikes
He can throw his staff and it will return to him. This can fail if it is knocked out of the air.
Projects a barrier around Staff to give him defense.
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0 | Nov 14th 2022 22:57