Ethan Vazquez (Ghost Hunter)

Ethan Vazquez
Age: 20
Ethan Vazquez is a 20-year-old business studies student who enjoys urban exploring, jigsaw puzzles and researching new ways to hunt ghosts. He is adventurous, diving headfirst into buildings, but can also be very stubborn at times. He is currently a college student, although most of his time is spent exploring abandoned building, rather than studying. He has a severe phobia of snakes however, and a minor phobia of spiders. Physically, Ethan is in pretty good shape. He is average height with pale skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. After his father died when he was young, he was raised by his mother. He is currently single; spending time hunting ghosts takes up too much of his time to look for a relationship
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0 | Nov 2nd 2022 02:25