Stubborn as hell.

He wanders the house followed by Jin Can. He is taking time to think about a strategy but it is not easy. He is not sure he can easily overpower him, it would cause a fuss and attract there more, so he would basically end up in worse troubles. He keeps thinking until he remembers something Qi mentioned during training: his only limit is fantasy when it comes to what he can do.
He waits for the right time. Suddenly Jin Can sees Hudie turning around holding a bow coming out of nowhere. He shoots the magical arrow immediately but as it hits him, he gets tied by a pink aura while blue butterflies fly all around him, stunning him. It is not harmful and anyone can make him snap out of it, even by himself after some time but for now he can't help but obsess over those butterflies.

Hudie gets out from a window, not directly where HuoShi was playing with those children but on the other side. He speeds up, intending to head to the magical portal. He saw how they got in and doubts he can get out by himself, so that looks like the only chance. He runs as fast as possible, regardless his injuries.
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1 | Oct 2nd 2022 13:46
KuroSakura «It is clear that you can't figure out a single correct detail about me, but it's fascinating to hear the nonsense you came up with so far.»
He raises a brow. «How would you call them "your" curse, when it's protecting you from any harm? Holy are currently the safest individual in this world and you don't even manage to figure it out.»
He doesn't feel particularly touched to hear Hudie likes someone more. «You will never see him again, what's the point to waste your thoughts towards him?»
He doesn't even answer to his next words, totally convinced that Hudie won't be able to escape from him.
He walks out of the room to start to search for materials that could be useful to keep Hudie alive and to build a decent raft.
Hudie "It was just to say, I'm not interested in learning about you and you won't get informations about me. You already know too much."
He wraps his arms around himself while sitting close to the fire. "You wouldn't understand." It wouldn't be easy to open up. He looks away, lost in his thoughts. "Rather than me being the safest, you are two times in danger."
He snorts bitterly. "Continue to believe it. The higher you go, the worst the fall will be."
He doesn't move from where he is, for now. He shouldn't have even left the bed yet, instead he is there, in the cold, without comforts. He extends his hands towards the fire.
KuroSakura «If you are so uninterested about me, why do you make so many assumptions?» He grabs his wrist and pulls Hudie on him. Another of his favourite moves.
He crouches near him, by the fire, staring at Hudie. «What is there to understand? I can't hurt you without hurting myself and now I can't let anything and anyone else hurt you, either. It's something other people would kill for.»
He keeps being very bothered by the cold he feels through Hudie. It makes him worried too, since he doesn't know how much cold a person can take before it becomes dangerous.
He comes back after a few minutes, with two, thick blankets that he places next to Hudie. «Cover yourself and sleep.»
Hudie He frowns but can't compare to him in strength and gets pulled. "Assumptions? I feel like it, it is boring to be here with you." He struggles to free his wrist.
He doesn't move as he crouches near him, staring at the fire. "I have never asked for a protector. I wouldn't kill for it, I'll do my all to remove it...I don't need to be protected, people have to stop acting like I'm a fucking butterfly myself." He says in a lower tone, his eyes a bit lost.
He moves his gaze on him and the blankets. He stands up and takes them. He is only doing it because of my curse... - he thinks.
He leans a blanket on the floor, wrapping a part as a pillow, and lies on it, covering himself with the other.
KuroSakura «I could make things entertaining, but you clearly want to get to know me more. Maybe you prefer to fantasise about me, instead of asking me questions.» He lets his wrist go after a bit.
«It is irrelevant. Protecting you means protecting me and i have no choice. You are clearly not a wise type, seen that you got ourselves in here. I certainly can't trust your ability to keep yourself safe.»
He watches Hudie preparing his bedding and then adds some of his own embers to the fire, to make it even warmer.