Victor Crowley

Thomas Crowley lived in a cabin on the honey island swamp with Shyann Crowley his wife. No kids for sometime, eventually, Shyann got stomach cancer of some sort and got super sick overtime. She was nursed by a woman named Lena, Lena got super close to Thomas overtime, and Thomas eventually started cheating on Shyann while she was super sick, eventually the day came, Shyann passed away in the living room of the Crowley house with them in the room, Lena and Thomas kissed in front of the couch she had passed away on. They were then met face to face with the angry spirit of Shyann Crowley and she put a curse on Lena and her child she was currently pregnant with. One day Victor Crowley was born, horribly deformed and ugly. The entire forest got gloomy and turned to something like death like it was afraid of Victor on that one day. Lena set Victor free from her chest that one day on the Crowley couch. She died that day, some say, the moment she laid eyes on Victor. Thomas was left to parent Victor all alone.Overtime Thomas learned to love and protect his monster of a son. As Victor aged, kids kept picking on him more, Thomas always kept Victor locked away so nobody would pick on him. One Halloween, one very dark Halloween, Victor Crowley was left at the house all alone, locked up inside the house. A couple of teenagers came to his cabins and threw fireworks inside his house to attempt to scare him out, but in the end ended up setting the house on fire. What they didn't know was that the house was locked up. Victor Crowley attempted to bang and scream at the door but nothing was happening, eventually his daddy pulled up to the house and took a hatchet to the door banging and banging on it. He ended up hitting his son on the forehead on accident after he pressed his face up against the door. The hatchet wound killed Victor that day and poor Thomas was left with a broken heart,lonely, and crushed. He came to the house of the children in hatred of what they did to his poor son Victor, but they always denied the murder and stuck to their mom's back. Leaving poor Thomas with the broken heart he had. Thomas eventually gave up and locked himself in his house until he eventually died of a broken heart. But because of Victor Crowley's curse, he was left trapped in the night he was murdered, horribly deformed with crooked cheek bones, a elongated, warped, jaw line, hair surrounding his head but not on the top, a diseased eye, jean style overalls, black boots, and the hatchet mark still across his face from the night he was accidentally killed. Victor Crowley was trapped in the night as an undieing, immortal, and angry spirit , searching the entire woods for his daddy and killing anybody that dared to enter his swamp. The swamp became his home, and anybody who entered would never ever leave again. Bodies were always left unidentifiable, cut up, bloody, and were often times never found. Legend has it if you go into the Honey island swamp and wander close enough to the Crowley house, you can still hear poor Victor Crowley, calling for his daddy.
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1 | Sep 13th 2022 22:28