Halloween (If Done Correctly) Can Be A Great Time!

That's right, I know what you guys are thinking because let's face it, I always know what you're thinking lol!!

You: The Big Guy upstairs celebrates Halloween!? *Dramatic gasp and dun, dun, dun music along with Home Alone face*

Me: Sure! Why not? XD Carving pumpkins, dressing up, getting candy, and watching movies that you already know are just pretend is pretty fun, just remember that magic like the kind you see in the movies is supposed to stay in the movies and black cats are NOT to be harmed. Now that I've got that all out of the way, have a wonderful happy Halloween this year guys and maybe you guys can send suggestions to help me pick my costume for my first Halloween here on earth. ;)


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1 | Sep 10th 2022 16:15
Rock_God :)
PROJECTSHADOW “It’s halloween till November 1st…let the horror begin” shadow decided to walk in excited as this was his favourite time of the year
PROJECTSHADOW “Well there’s horror everywhere..but it only gets better this time of year..~”
PROJECTSHADOW “For me it’s like trying to stop Amy from being obsessed with sonic …” shadow rubbed his head which lead him to shiver
PROJECTSHADOW Shadow chuckled and started to snicker a little “she reminds me of the clowns that chase people down on halloween night”