dont speak ill of the dead

           they can still hear you, you know.


name. Henry Layton
titles, nicknames, etc. None at the moment
age. Forever 18- technically 43
species. Ghost
gender. Male
sexuality. Pansexual/Panromantic, male lean
relationship status. Single
overall status. Deceased. d.o.b 9/2/79, d.o.d 7/15/98

faceclaim. Freddie Highmore

personality. Henry is a calm and thoughtful boy, who often takes things too seriously. He doesn't get sarcasm very well, but he tries his best. He always thinks of others before himself, and tries not to burden anyone with his own issues, and keeps to himself. He is quiet, kind, and loving. Henry tries to do good things, even now as a ghost he does nothing but try to help people.

backstory. Henry was born in the fall of 1979 in the small town of Rexburg, Idaho. He was your average kid- playing in the dirty with his friends, going to school, helping out his parents business. That is, until he was diagnosed with lung cancer when he was 14. Henry went through all sorts of treatments, but nothing seemed to help- his condition was too far in. Henry, being the sweet and kind boy he was, never wanted to burden anyone with his own feelings, so even when he was coughing up blood in bathroom at school, he never told his parents. They only started to notice something was wrong when Henry could no longer hide what was wrong.

The boy died in the hospital two months before his 19th birthday.

He can wander the veil freely, and isn't bound to the hospital he died in. This is because of Tabbris, his reaper that he refused. Tabbris went rogue from his Reaper duties to watch over Henry, and is a father-figure to him, keeping him safe and traveling across the world with him to take him on all of the adventures he never got to go on when he was alive.

As time progresses, Henry likes to watch over his relatives and make sure they are doing okay- but he never interferes. Though, there would be many times that Henry would have wished he had. His niece, Viola Layton, was a fairly troubled child- and as she grew older, her mind would continue to torment her- even causing her to go as far as murdering her two older sisters, Zephanie and Xandria, and over a dozen children at Xandria's place of work.

If Henry had just been more mindful, maybe he could have stepped in and prevented everything from happening. He continues to blame himself for not stepping up.

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1 | Sep 9th 2022 06:06