
Hi there! My name is Eliana and I have been roleplaying for around 10 years on and off this site. In those 10 years i find that outlining a few things is essential to the start of a great writing relationship.
So, below are a few outlines of what i hold myself to and expect of most of my partners.


1. Please no one-liners, and try to be as literate as possible. Now I’m not gonna come for you for spelling some words wrong here and there or forgetting a comma. However, please just make your responses legible and prefer at least a lengthy paragraph or more.

2. We are writing a story together and we should both enjoy it which means having a decent OOC relationship. So, I would like to do all story planning out of character I find that it just helps to make everyone feel more comfortable and heard.

3. I am in my early twenties and WILL NOT interact with any minors so do not message me if you are under 19.

4. Most of my roleplays will include a number of mature themes including, but not limited to violence, sex, and romance. Now with that being said, I do not enjoy writing er*t*ca right off the bat and would enjoy a plot leading up to it.

5. Then a slight off set of rule number 4 is if we decide to have er*t*ca include in our story line I will request that we for at discuss our preferences and boundaries. Now, with this being said i mainly only work with MxF relationships. However, some of my favorite partners over the years have been women as well and so don’t hesitate to reach out and I’d love to set something up!

6. Life gets busy and so I will put an apology in advance here for any times it takes a bit longer to get a response written for my partners. However, all i ask is that you respect my time needed and I will do the same for you.

7. If things go well with the story I will ask if my partners would like to move off site to discord. I find this site helps me keep in contact better with my partners and mainly only add long term writing partners there.

8. I have many characters, and the few that i truly post here are just the tip of the ice berg. I post these to simply show my style and range when in reality i often create a new character for each roleplay that I create.

9. While i do enjoy working in a number of universes already created I do not play any canon characters.

Now, with all this being said I truly am a very relaxed and understanding person. I really just want to create some amazing stories and meet some amazing people.
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17 | Sep 3rd 2022 23:45